Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Long Night Ahead

They tried the Foley Bulb on Jess, but due to a few complications they abandoned that idea. They are going to use a pill called Cytotec which is another method of inducing labor, which is given every 4 hours. It could potentially take 16 more hours (worst case scenario), so we're getting ready to settle in for the night. We appreciate all the prayers. Jess is not in any pain right now and will most likely be able to sleep while the Cytotec takes effect.


  1. Le sigh....well, get your rest while you can, I you guys!

  2. We love you Jess. Get some sleep ;) we'll pray for baby tomorrow!

  3. Sometimes babies just are too comfy inside mommy, but he will come. We'll be praying through the night that all goes well. It will be worth it all the minute he makes his entrance and has your heart for the rest of your lives! We love you! Ken & Debbie
