Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Change of Plans

As it turns out, the Pitocin is not working as expected. Jess is 3cm dialated and still only experiencing smaller contractions. The doctors have decided to abandon the Pitocin for now, let Jess eat (horray), and begin using what they call a Foley Bulb, which will cause her to dialate faster.

The delivery is taking longer than expected, so it's very possible Leelands birthday may be on December 30th. Either way, we are excited to meet him face to face.


  1. So now I say 6:45 AM tomorrow! My guess for the weight is 7 lbs. 8 oz. Hang in there, Jess! We are all so excited for you and wish you the best and most painless delivery possible! Love you guys!

  2. Still praying for you guys! This all sounds very familiar... but I'm sure it'll all be worth it at the end! So excited for you!! My guess is... 3:20am, and 7lbs.8oz. Blessings!

  3. oh man, the Foley Bulb is evil! they tried that on me (Gina Neidlinger) when i was in labor (or lack thereof) with Isaac. i had them take it out. i was like forget it, the kid will get here when he gets here! i'll be very interested to hear how that goes. i've never met anyone else whose had one. still praying! =o)

  4. I'm glad that she gets to eat at least...I'm sorry its taking so long.... :(
